Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Sunny Days! - and the value of a LBS

Looks like we may have turned the corner weather-wise here in TX, and the last couple days have been just fantastic... mid 70's and sunny, with a good breeze. Not that you can tell temperature from a picture, but here's the nice sunny, blue skies:

Even got to break out my new ALSF tank top:

Big Daddy Diesel - this is where you need to be training! (BDD is a fellow blogger that lives in the frozen tundra and was so excited to have it warm up into the 30's so he could ride his bike outside...)

By the way, still waiting to hear about today's test results for Ishani, but the MRI from Monday came out clean... hooray for that!

In other news, took a trip to Jack and Adam's triathlon shop the other day with two new triathletes that I am coaching. I was really impressed with the time that Jack took with each of them, understanding their situation, taking good fit measurements, explaining the options, etc. For one of them, he even talked her into just making some adjusments to her existing bike instead of buying a new one! Smart decisions were made, and there are now two very happy triathletes... It's that kind of service that builds you loyal customers.

Next post I will hopefully have news on the test results for Ishani, and talk a bit about the trip this weekend to Piedras Negras, Mexico (good stuff happening there).

1 comment:


    Did you see the pics I posted of my ride yet, frozen over lake and all, I was just just excited to be outdoors, baselayers are my friend, doing another 40 this saturday with the temps in the mid 40's
